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Terms & Conditions

This site is owned and operated by Karen Jinks/Cambridge Creative Network. The use of the website ("Site") is subject to the following terms and conditions and it is deemed you agree to said terms on use of and its contents.


1. Copyright

All content of the Site, inclusive of all graphics and written material is the intellectual property of Cambridge Creative Network and its contributing authors and artists and must not be redistributed or copied by any means, electronically or otherwise for commercial or business means without express written permission from the authors concerned.


Contributors/members retain all copyright of their work and agree to grant Cambridge Creative Network a world-wide, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive licence to distribute their articles, photographs and artwork on the website and social media channels for the purpose of promotion and display of their work. We credit all work with the authors name and links to their own shops and websites as required.


We are completely supportive of fellow artists and creators and as such completely reject copying of original works in any form.


2. Website Links
Although we offer links to third party websites that have been carefully chosen for your interest and information we are not responsible for and do not endorse their content.


If you wish to link to our website or any of its content we ask you to seek permission first. Such permission may be granted at the sole discretion of Cambridge Creative Network.


Where such permission is granted Cambridge Creative Network reserves the right to withdraw such permission for any reason whatsoever and at any time. 


3. Advertising and Sponsorship

Advertisers and sponsors agree to ensure that material submitted for inclusion on the Site complies with any applicable national or international laws or regulations or codes. Cambridge Creative Network does not accept responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies contained in advertising and sponsorship material.


4. Promotions
Promotions may be offered via the website and subsequent newsletters and are subject to their own terms but include the following:


  • Competitions and prize draws are available to UK residents only, aged 18 and over.

  • Prizes are non-transferable, non negotiable and no cash alternatives will be offered.

  • Cambridge Creative Network reserve the right to substitute a prize for one of equal value.

  • All prize draws have free entry, no purchase is necessary unless otherwise specified.

  • By entering the competition the entrant agrees to be bound by the rules governing that particular promotion that will be set out in the accompanying material.

  • Any personal information collected by such promotions will not be passed on to any third party as set out in our Privacy Statement. Promotions are usually organised through our mailing list only.

  • Winner(s) of any promotion consent to any publicity generated by the promotion being used on the Cambridge Creative Network website and social media channels.

  • Prize draws and competitions are open to all UK residents except for contributors of Cambridge Creative Network and their immediate families.

  • Only one entry per email address per person unless specified otherwise. Spammers will be disqualified.

  • Cambridge Creative Network does not accept responsibility for loss of entries due to technical problems. Subscribing to the mailing list is not a guarantee of entry to any promotions or giveaways.


5. Third Party Offers

From time to time readers and members will have access to offers from carefully selected Third Parties which Cambridge Creative Network have deemed will be of interest. 


Cambridge Creative Network can accept no liability for the performance, delivery or fulfilment of any offer provided by Third Parties over whom we do not have control. 


Each offer is subject to its own terms and conditions. By taking up any offer, you will be accepting the Third Party’s own standard terms and conditions and you should check that you agree to those terms and conditions before taking up the offer.


Should readers and members have any complaints, problems or concerns regarding any Third Party offer, these must be taken up directly with the Third Party in question.


6. Submissions

Cambridge Creative Network may invite you to make, share or submit your own, original contributions to Cambridge Creative Network. These terms of use set out the rules governing how you may do so and how Cambridge Creative Network may use your contribution. Your contribution may include text, photographs, graphics, video and audio.


If you submit your contribution to Cambridge Creative Network you must allow Cambridge Creative Network to use the material in your contribution in any way it may reasonably choose on a free-of-charge basis in any media throughout the world.


Any contributions you make may be moderated by Cambridge Creative Network which means they may be reviewed and edited. Cambridge Creative Network reserves the right to remove any of your contributions if Cambridge Creative Network believes that they do not comply with these terms.


You grant Cambridge Creative Network the right to change or edit the materials in your contribution for operational and editorial reasons. Cambridge Creative Network may also share your contribution with trusted third parties, for instance with partners of Cambridge Creative Network. 


Any copyright in your contribution will remain with you and this permission is not exclusive, so you can continue to use the material you contribute in any way including allowing others to use it. 


You confirm that your contribution is your own original work, is not defamatory or unlawful and does not infringe anyone else's rights (including privacy rights) and that it complies with these terms. You also confirm that you have the consent of anyone who is identifiable in your contribution or the consent of their parent/guardian if they are under 16. 


We will normally show your name and website link with your contribution, unless you request otherwise. 


Cambridge Creative Network may need to contact you for administrative or verification purposes in relation to your contribution, or in relation to particular projects.  


Please do not endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or break any laws when creating any content you may share with Cambridge Creative Network. 


As part of your contribution, Cambridge Creative Network may ask you to provide some personal information. Disclosure of this information shall be subject to terms set out in Cambridge Creative Network's Privacy Policy.


Cambridge Creative Network will keep your personal information secure and will only use it for the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy. All personal information held by Cambridge Creative Network will be held in accordance with the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. 


If you do not want to grant Cambridge Creative Network permission to use your contributions in accordance with these terms, please do not share with or submit them to Cambridge Creative Network. 


If you have any questions about contributing content to Cambridge Creative Network, please contact


7. Social Media and Comments

Contributions and comments left on social media pages must be respectful, civil and tasteful. You agree to use the forums and comments in a manner that does not infringe the rights of or restrict or inhibit anyone else's use and enjoyment of Cambridge Creative Network.


The following behaviour/action is prohibited on any parts of Cambridge Creative Network, including in comments or on social media platforms:


  • abusive or threatening behaviour or language;

  • sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, obscene language or behaviour or any language which is likely to harass or cause distress or be disruptive;

  • swear words or other language likely to offend;

  • spamming;

  • advertising;

  • fraud (e.g. impersonating someone else).


8. Exclusions and Limitations

The information supplied on the Site is provided for general reference purposes only. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is up to date and accurate, the authors do not warrant, nor do they accept any responsibility or liability for, the accuracy or completeness of the content or for any loss which may arise from reliance on information contained in any articles.


General information is not the same as getting financial or other professional advice. For advice based on your own circumstances, talk to a professional adviser.


9. Privacy & Cookies

See Cambridge Creative Network's Privacy & Cookies Policy here:


10. Variations

Cambridge Creative Network reserves the right to revise the content of the Site and these terms and conditions at any time without notice. Any changes to these terms and conditions will be posted on the Site and by continuing to use the Site you agree to be bound by any such revised terms and conditions.


11. Notices

Any notices you wish to send to Cambridge Creative Network should be sent by email to or by post to 1 Poplar Way, Stapleford, Cambridge CB22 5BS.


12. Severance

If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any purpose by any court of qualified jurisdiction, these provision shall be severed and the remainder of the provisions hereof shall proceed in complete force and result as if this Agreement had been agreed with the invalid illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated.


13. Third Party Rights

Except for Cambridge Creative Network's directors, employees or representatives, a person who is not a party to this Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this Agreement but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available apart from under that Act.


14. Assignment

You may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any of your rights and obligations under this Agreement to any other person.


15. Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions, set out the whole of our agreement and supersede any previous agreements, arrangements, undertakings or proposals.


16. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and all parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

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